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What is is a platform to download all your favorite games on steam without the cost.

Is this site safe to download from?

Yes. All files are 100% checked before release. There is no hidden malware and each game is pre-installed for you.

What does pre-install mean?

Pre-installed means that the game is already installed for you, so you don’t have to. This means all you need to do is download the .zip file, extract it, and run the game. That’s it! Easy, right?

My download is very slow?

If you experience slow download speeds, we highly recommend using a download manager. Free Download Manager is recommended when downloading games. (You don’t need to have your browser option)

To use the manager, first, download the game you want on the browser as usual. Then hit CTRL J (if on chrome/firefox) and you’ll see your recently downloaded files. On the active download, copy the direct URL (the one that displays…) then click + on the manager, paste the link then click OK. Your download should then start on the manager. Don’t forget to cancel the browser download.

My .zip file is corrupt after download?

Make sure to use Google Chrome when downloading the game. Also, more importantly, Do Not pause the download and resume it again when you’re downloading a game. You must let the game download 100% without pausing. If you pause the download and then resume it, it will corrupt.

My Anti-virus picked up the game as a trojan?

Many anti-virus programs detect game files as a “virus” because the game files contained cracked files which make the game run. A lot of these anti-virus companies get paid to do this, that way you buy the game instead. To prevent this, disable your anti-virus, then re-extract the .zip file and the game will run. Every game on this site was tested on our own computers, so you can be ensured that it’s not a real virus. Anything your A.V may tell you is a false positive.

I'm having errors when trying to run the game?

99% of the time, the errors come from missing programs. Check for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder, and be sure to install all the required software in those folders: DirectX, vcredist, DotNet, etc.

Another useful tip is to disable any form of anti-virus program AND windows defender if the game doesn’t run. Usually, you don’t need to do this, but some AV detect the game files as a “crack” and remove them.

I'm having problems with saving the game?

If you have issues saving a game, right-click the exe and select “Run as administrator”.

Where do I request games to be added to this site?

If you have issues saving a game, right-click the exe and select “Run as administrator”.